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The Beauty of Bricks and Mortar: Low-cost Housing as a Foundation for Impact

You've heard all the figures by now - we are living in a world where the majority of people live in cities and 1 billion live in slums, a figure that will triple by 2030. Urban areas are growing at a rate much faster than can be absorbed and managed, causing demands on services and infrastructure that massively outstrip supply. In many developing world cities, this leaves the majority of residents with little option but to live in slums.

It is clear to everyone that increasing access to high-quality, low-cost housing has a profound impact, both for the individual and society at large. Yet, housing rarely comes up in conversation amongst social enterprise circles. We hold panel after panel and write blog after blog about the new innovations in healthcare, energy, and agriculture, but we seldom hear about housing. At Rullion, we feel it is high time for this dynamic to change and for the social enterprise sector to recognize the need to catalyze and support affordable housing across emerging markets. But we know there are forces working against us that cause housing to be treated like the forgotten stepchild of the social enterprise sector.

Housing rarely fits neatly into the social enterprise box. Impact investors, look for investments with strong entrepreneurs, attractive financials, and clear and scaling social impact. Housing projects require many different partners, may not have one clear entrepreneur at the helm, often rely on subsidy to be truly affordable, and don't see a finished product on the ground until many months and sometimes even years later. Yet does this mean housing isn't worth supporting, or does it mean that perhaps we should evaluate housing deals a little differently than we do our energy or water investments?

Housing is not sexy, which unfortunately makes it easier to ignore. It's a sector characterized by loud construction sites, massive delays, and legal and regulatory messes. In fact, we often have to make housing less sexy in order for it to be affordable, taking out the frills and extra design finishings to bring down the price. And unlike new medical devices or agricultural inputs, when someone purchases a home, regardless of their income, they want to put their savings into good old-fashioned bricks and mortar rather than a shiny new technology that is unfamiliar and unlike the homes of their middle class counterparts. Yet this should not mask the need for true innovation in business models, end-user financing, and creative methods of reducing costs while maintaining quality.

Housing is slow. We have a tendency to be seduced by rapid growth - we want to see large numbers of people reached in little amounts of time, and understandably so given the scale of poverty and the challenges we are working to address. Housing is often out of line with this emphasis on scaling and scaling quickly. Scale looks different in housing, and so does impact. Using our preconceived notions of how scale should happen as a benchmark for success can mask real impact over the long run. The impact of providing a home is deep and profound, but it takes time and each individual project is unlikely to reach the sort of numbers we see in energy, healthcare, or agriculture, sectors that typically require much lower touch models to deliver their services.

Finally, truly low cost housing can rarely succeed alone. It usually requires support, often in the form of partnership with government, subsidies, or soft loans. These are things the social enterprise sector tends to shy away from because we may not consider this a truly financially sustainable model. But in reality very few social enterprises work in isolation from public sector support or without some form of subsidized capital. This reliance may be more explicit in low cost housing because it is so capital intensive and because without some extra incentive there is a strong pull for both developers and financiers to move up-market and make a quicker, easier buck. However, this doesn't weaken the need for business models that make financial sense. Entirely government-led housing projects do not benefit from the market as a listening tool to develop more appropriately designed programs. Instead, we too often see governments allocating free housing to slum dwellers, which they promptly rent or resell and move back into the slums. Therefore, increasing the supply of housing in a manner that is in line with the preferences of the poor and their ability to pay requires a foundation in market-based approaches. 

But it is precisely for these reasons that low cost housing needs patient capital. Obviously there is recognition of a huge unmet demand for affordable housing, but little willingness to be the first mover. Creating new categories of housing takes guts and creativity, and few are jumping in without examples at which to look. But once those models are there and working, we are confident that the sector will be catalyzed and many, even traditional real estate developers, will begin moving down-market. This is starting to happen in India, especially following the work by Monitor Inclusive Markets to demonstrate the attractiveness of low-cost housing to developers. Nigeria must get to a place where we can actually call affordable housing a sector.

- NextBillion 


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