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Showing posts from January, 2018


A trustee is a person or firm that holds and administers property or assets for the benefit of a third party. Trustee A trustee may be appointed for a wide variety of purposes, such as in the case of bankruptcy, for a charity, for a trust fund or for certain types of retirement plans or pensions. Trustees are trusted to make decisions in the beneficiary's best interests and often have a fiduciary responsibility to the trust beneficiaries. Have you thought of getting a Trustee for your real estate/property?

3 Signs Your Social Strategy Needs Help -- and the Solutions

In marketing, you can be too social. Or not social enough. Or social where it doesn’t count -- the digital equivalent of showing up at the wrong party. How to know if this applies to you? Here, three signs that you need to fix your strategy -- and where you need to double down.  Social media platforms Warning #1: You aren’t seeing any business results.  Solution:  “Results” can mean so many things -- increasing brand awareness, building authority in your industry, boosting sales or conversions, giving your brand personality, servicing customers or something totally different. There’s no way your social media presence will accomplish all those things at once, so focus on just one or two goals to start. Figure out what your top priority is, and then think about using social media more strategically to accomplish that goal. Warning #2: You feel like you’re shouting into the ether. Solution:  You may not be using the appropriate social networks. If you’re a company wi

Big Data Revolution and Real Estate – Ken Egedi

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the next huge wave to engulf the real estate industry – using the vast data banks built up on property and facilities management, sales and leasing, supplemented by terabytes of easily accessible data from providers like Google and a myriad of other data providers that will emerge. Artificial Intelligence & Real Estate Once we start to detect patterns and learn from these experiences, behaviour and processes, then we will enable computers to be vastly more helpful – and to make the industry vastly more efficient. Big data style data crunching can reveal hugely insightful patterns that humans may suspect but can’t prove – so machines will hugely assist buying and consumption judgement. Will the sorts of revolution that have happened in retail and financial services be visited on us? Good or bad? What are your thoughts? Rullion Associates … The New Way 080336150